Every breaking waves

And your voice will be heard.


President Obama was in town yesterday for an very anticipated Montrealer crowd.

His easy-going approach, his charismatic smile and his wit make him the man you want to have a beer with and talk about anything. From the NBA playoffs to the climate change.


I do miss his slow jams news on Jimmy Fallon.

I won’t talk or should I say write about politics today but I wasn’t born when President Kennedy was giving one of the most inspiring speak of all time with this message don’t ask what your country can do but ask what you can do for your country.

President Obama is one of my inspiration for his intelligence, his charismatic interlocutor skills and his values. His speech yesterday was very Obamaesque.


I won’t spill the beans about it for the ones that didn’t have the chance to see it but thank you YouTube. I think it is on YouTube.

I enjoy hearing intelligent people being the great storytellers of our time.

Dr. Jane Goodall, Michelle Obama, Justin Trudeau, Mark Zuckerberg, Sheryl Sandberg, Angelina Jolie, Jack Schlossberg, Common and Martine St-Victor are a few of my favorite interlocutors of today.

They are the game changer of tomorrow.

I am a big believer of being a pacific person and that we should have interest in every aspect of life to understand ourselves better.



Martine St-Victor Kanpe Profile


Sheryl Sandberg Inc.com interview

Let’s make some waves!


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